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Why MAP Enforcement Is Practical for Retailers in 2022

July 11, 2022 // Deputy Dan

In 2022, the retail sector has become highly competitive and saturated. In fact, maintaining optimized operations for retailers continues to get more difficult. With the rise of Amazon, retailers and consumers can easily compare prices of various products.

The fact of the matter is that traditional retailers get frustrated when they hear consumers found the same product at a cheaper price on Amazon. In terms of pricing and distribution, this impacts the operations of retailers.

This is where enforcement of MAP policies come into the picture. It is the most secure and practical way for retailers to assume more control over their prices. With MAP enforcement, retailers can address the issue of price erosion.

Why Retailers Should Adopt a MAP Policy

There is more than one reason for retailers to have a dedicated MAP policy. With MAP monitoring, retailers can keep an eye on the prices of online products across different digital channels and spot market fluctuations. Today, retailers can no longer afford to overlook their market reputation.

Oftentimes, retailers wonder what MAP enforcement and monitoring have to do with market reputation. Well, unauthorized sellers can now tarnish your image by selling similar products at significantly lower prices in the market. In fact, it has become a common practice in the modern-day e-commerce marketplace.

With MAP enforcement, retailers can protect their margins, improve their omnichannel retail strategy, improve the performance of products, and create a unique identity in the market.

Retailers Need MAP Enforcement and Monitoring More than Ever

Retailers need to understand that MAP enforcement is more than having control over prices – it is about ensuring fair competition and maintaining market reputation. The hallmark reason for retailers to opt for MAP enforcement is to maintain their image in the competitive marketplace.

With MAP enforcement, retailers can altogether prevent underpricing and protect their profit margins. MAP enforcement also levels the playing field and allows small retailers to go head-to-head with larger players. Retailers have started to realize and recognize that MAP enforcement can mitigate pricing consistencies.

Besides, once brands ensure MAP compliance, it makes retailers more responsible to keep their word of honor and respect the MAP agreement. However, the burden of responsibility also falls on the CEOs of brands to put MAP monitoring in place.

Statistically, there are almost 2 million active sellers on Amazon. This is bound to have a negative impact on the brand's integrity. This makes it even more difficult to comply with MAP policies. Every retailer selling on a vast e-commerce marketplace should take into account a proper MAP enforcement policy. It is the best way for retailers to protect their bottom lines and market reputation.

In major stores like Amazon, competitive pricing often spirals out of control. Consequently, it puts manufacturers and original brands at a significant disadvantage. This is also true for high-end and luxury brands where manufacturers don't want to compromise their image in the market.

MAP Enforcement: Protects Profit Margins

One of the practical reasons and benefits to have a MAP enforcement policy is that it dissuades retailers from consorting to low-price wars. Of course, price is a crucial factor to sell products, and retailers are often tempted to promote lower prices and advertise deals at low prices just to clear the stock.

This works like a mobius circle and propels other retailers to follow the same course. Ultimately, it leads to erosion of profit margins and decreases the market value of the products. With MAP enforcement policy in place, manufacturers don't have to worry about losing market share and incur long-term losses.

MAP Enforcement: Improve Visibility of Product Performance

When retailers stop repetitive price cutting, it improves the performance of products. With a MAP enforcement policy, retailers start to get more accurate insights about products' high or decreased sales across different stores.

This, in turn, creates feedback to address specific areas and inconsistencies. With a MAP enforcement policy, retailers can also find out which stores are performing better. Enforcement of MAP policies is far from a straightforward task. And although it is a difficult and extensive process, retailers should pursue it all the same.

MAP Enforcement: Improve Your Omni-Channel Strategy

A MAP enforcement policy can balance the odds for smaller entities that want to sell specific categories of products in the market. Today, retailers can utilize their brick-and-mortar and online presence to extract opportunities. It also cuts out the need for retailers to solely depend on digital channels where the price is usually the main buying factor. With a MAP enforcement price policy, retailers can adopt a better omnichannel approach and sell in-store products efficiently.

Final Thoughts

With MAP tracking, retailers can also maintain solid relationships with manufacturers. In fact, MAP enforcement can help retailers establish a transparent identity in the market. This would also help retailers prevent the selling of low-priced items from unauthorized resellers.

MAP agreements are crucial for retailers and brands to maintain their reputation, ensure good relationships with distribution channels, and gain a competitive edge. Without MAP enforcement, retailers risk compromising their market reputation due to consumers' confusion and inconsistent prices of products.

But instead of manual MAP enforcement, retailers should opt for automated monitoring of prices to collect significant data across e-commerce marketplaces. MAP enforcement would also help retailers maintain sufficient margins and competitive drive in the market. In retrospect, it is high time for retailers to adopt MAP guidelines and secure the value of all their products in the market.

MAP enforcement can be challenging, especially when it comes time to contact a violator with proof. That's not the case with MAPCOP. When a reseller is found violating your MAP policy, a real-time screenshot is captured and can be passed on within one of our built-in, fully customizable notification templates. Our system watches retailers across the internet day and night, freeing you up to focus on other areas of your brand.

A comprehensive system for identifying and stopping MAP violations, with 24/7 monitoring.